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Welcome & Why?

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Welcome to the first post on my blog! My name is Jaya Ande and I'm writing this blog as a current Junior in Rock Hill High School. You all may be wondering why I'm so passionate about psychology, and it's because I think there's so much behind the beauty and wonders of the human mind and behavior. Humans are naturally such complex creatures, and this makes me wonder so many things about our brain and mind. It's a little goofy, but sometimes these are the things I think about when I'm just about to fall asleep. With these questions in mind, I'd also love to help people overcome their struggles and improve their quality of life so that future patients can enjoy what they have. I've always wanted to help people and my way of showing this is through wanting to become a clinical psychologist. I really do believe that my dreams will be a reality one day as this seems to be my life passion project. The long years of studying and college, the PsyD, the dissertation, the writing, the research, the trial and errors, the 'learning from your mistakes' situations - it's everything that I aspire to accomplish. I created this website because there are so many simple misconceptions or myths that the general society has on people with mental illnesses. These "silly" misconceptions can impact many, many people who have mental illnesses in such a negative way. Not only is it important to realize that people have such wrong ideas in their heads, but also to know the right from the wrong. I created this website to finally speak up and list all the 'misconceptions vs. reality'. Having great knowledge about disorders is important in today's society as you never know how some words may cut deep for someone.

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Hey there! My name is Jaya Ande and I'm a Senior at Rock Hill High School as of now. I love to learn about the human mind and behaviors as well as discussing about mental illnesses. 

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