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I'd like to thank Digital4Good + #ICANHELP for inviting me to be a speaker and to be a part of the October Webinar on October 1st, 2023! This was an amazing opportunity to take part in as I learned so much about the good we as a society could do. I absolutely loved hearing all the amazing things people are doing to make the world a better place. Seeing so many people create unique and creative organizations has inspired me to be more driven and successful. 


During the Webinar, we discussed this quote: “With awareness comes responsibility and choice”. I realized how I completely agree with this statement as it is important to be aware of different mental health topics and choose to make a positive change in society.

I cannot wait for what the future brings and I hope to participate in future Digital4Good + #ICANHELP events like this!




This past Sunday, January 7th, 2024, I was invited by Grace Pitts once again to be a speaker and a part of the January Webinar for Digital4Good x #ICANHELP! Taking part in this amazing opportunity was incredible as I have learned so much about the extraordinary things individuals do in the community.

As this was my second time speaking at Digital4Good x #ICANHELPs Webinars, it was undoubtedly an inspiring one! Hearing about all the different organizations and passion projects people created and continue was motivating. It always reminds me that there are people in the world that we can count on to make the world a better place!

This month's theme for the Digital4Good x #ICANHELP's January Webinar was Life Celebration. We talked about the ups and downs of life but still celebrated the little things in between. If there were one thing I could take away from this month's Webinar, it would be to always persevere through the tough times and see the rainbow at the end!​

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